Category: President’s Blog

President’s Report – Spring 2024

Welcome to the fifth edition of the President’s Report. In this edition I will highlight some of our recent accomplishments and aspirations. We held off releasing reports during the global pandemic to spare your inbox. Now that we seem to be safely through it, we thought you might like an update. To learn more about the Beveridge Family Foundation, please visit Descendants of Frank Stanley Beveridge should be sure to read the “Bev Bucks” section near the end of this report.

Welcome Our Newest Board Members

In October 2020 the Board welcomed Fred Palmer and Henry Du Pont as new directors. Both had been regular submitters of Bev Bucks requests and showed continued interest in the Foundation’s work.

Recent Grants

At the April 2024 Board meeting, we authorized $667,500 in grants to a variety of organizations in Western Massachusetts. Following is a clickable list of the grantees with links to their websites so you can learn more about our wide variety of interests and the outstanding work done by these dedicated organizations.…

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The Beveridge Family Foundation’s Racial Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (REDIB) Journey

The Beveridge Family Foundation’s Racial Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (REDIB) Journey

Throughout history, in the United States and across the globe, we have seen the oppression of many populations and communities, discrimination against ethnic and religious groups, the mistreatment of individuals based on skin color, gender identity, national origin, age, and more. At the Beveridge Family Foundation (BFF), we are committed to our journey of Racial Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging (REDIB). We are dedicated to doing the internal work within our Board and to foster an environment where all voices are heard and diversity is celebrated. We continue to evolve and adapt toward the goal of ensuring our grant programs and initiatives reflect these values. The learning process is never complete; yet we are determined in our efforts, alongside so many others, to create a more inclusive and equitable future for all.

The Beveridge Family Foundation has  partnered with Inclusive Strategies, LLC.

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President’s Report – Fall 2018

Welcome to the fifth edition of the President’s Report. In this edition I will highlight some of our recent accomplishments and aspirations. To learn more about the Beveridge Family Foundation, please visit Descendants of Frank Stanley Beveridge should be sure to read the “Bev Bucks“ section near the end of this report. Pioneer Valley non-profits won’t want to miss the final Alternative Funding Workshop of the year. Info and registration is below in the Alternative Funding Initiative section.

Recent Grants

At the October 2018 Board meeting, we authorized $666,500 in grants to a variety of organizations in Western Mass. This brings the total grants for the year to $2,224,103. Following is a list of the recent grantees with links to their websites so you can learn more about our wide variety of interests and the outstanding work done by these dedicated organizations.


Program Funded

American Red Cross Home Fire Campaign & Sound the Alarm
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association, Massachusetts The ALS Association, MA Chapter’s Quality of Life Program
Associated Grant Makers Inc Massachusetts Census Equity Fund 2020
Center For New Americans Mission-Driven Revenue Incubator
Chester Theatre Company Inc.
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President’s Report – Summer 2018

Welcome Our Newest Board Member

In April 2018 the Board welcomed Chae (pronounced “Shay”) Swan as anew director. We have enjoyed working with Chae for years when he was the Executive Director of the South End Community Center. We were consistently impressed with his intelligence, grace, insight, and strategic abilities. Chae is a lifelong Springfield resident. He graduated from Cathedral High School, Springfield College, and will soon finish the MBA program at Bay Path University. Chae’s passion for youth and community development was inspired by his close-knit family. At the age of 30 Chae was the youngest executive director of a community-based organization in the City of Springfield, when selected for the position in 2007. For the past 11 years Chae has successfully navigated the South End Community Center through the recession of 2009, and the tornado of 2011 which destroyed the SECC facility. Chae and his staff ushered over eighty children to safety during the tornado.…

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Alternative Funding Cohorts

Funding Series Cohorts THE WHY

The Beveridge Family Foundation seeks to expand its impact through philanthropic giving, impact investing, and initiating improvements in the community. We see continued threats to funding of the nonprofits who most perform the work we consider vital to our society and environment. In 2018 we launched an alternative funding strategy to assist nonprofits in learning about, planning, and implementing additional funding streams beyond traditional development. We have partnered with the Human Service Forum on a series of workshops led by nationally-recognized consulting leaders in one of seven alternative funding strategies.

2018 Beveridge Family Foundation “Alternative Funding Survey” Results In February 2018 the Beveridge Family Foundation, Inc. (“the Foundation”) conducted a survey of prior grant applicants. The topic of the survey was alternative funding streams. Out of roughly 400 valid email addresses, 190 responses were received.

Endowed Projects
with Chuck Gordon
The Beverdige Family Foundation survey goes on to say “Only 21% of respondents indicated they have endowed projects in place.…

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